Create a Manual VoS Response
You can create a manual VoS Response for a learner (for example: for when the fees for a learner change and the VoS Response has already been sent to StudyLink). A manual VoS Response is added to the ebs database as an audit trail of Response activity for the learner. To create a manual VoS Response for a learner:
Select the VoS Details tab.
Click the Manual VOS Response button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The Learner Search window is displayed.
Search for and select the relevant learner, and then click the Select Person button.
The Manual VoS Response window is displayed.
Enter the Study Start Date, or select from the calendar. This enables the Qualification Code (3,4) field.
Select the MoE Qualification Code from the Qualification Code (3,4) drop-down list.
On selection, the following fields are populated automatically:
- Student Start Date of Study
- Student End Date of Study
- Break Start 1
- Break End 1
- Break Start 2
- Break End 2
- Total Compulsory Fees
- Fees Request
- Click OK to save the details.